Why MunkMD?

MunkMD is an all-encompassing medical and cosmetic clinic focusing on skin health, anti-aging and rejuvenation. All treatment plans are created by board certified dermatologists specialising in aesthetic medicine, in order to deliver superior results with a focus on patient safety.

Cellular Growth Factor Therapy (CGF Montreal)

Cellular Growth Factor (CGF) is a high concentration of platelets surrounded in its own plasma. This process has been shown to be beneficial since there are lots of favorable growth factors and nutrients in CGF that help to stimulate collagen remodeling as well as improvements in skin quality and texture. This technique is helpful in treating fine lines under the eyes, cheeks, neck and chest. Studies have even shown benefit for male and female hair thinning, since CGF has so many desirable proteins that help to strengthen hair and prevent further thinning and loss. Since the CGF is derived from the patient’s own blood, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection, and this is considered by many to be the most “natural” injection to enhance the radiance of the skin.

The process is simple; we draw blood similarly to routine blood tests. That blood is subsequently spun in a centrifuge in order to separate out the platelets from the rest of the blood. The CGF is then activated to release essential growth factor and nutrient proteins into the plasma, which is then applied onto the skin for optimal results. Collagen stimulating factor, epidermal growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor are some the important proteins contained in CGF that result in a natural enhancement of the skin.

There are a few different ways the CGF can reach the targeted dermis underneath the skin. In the eye area, CGF is sometimes injected in the same manner as a dermal filler, and this allows for improvement of fine lines and wrinkles. At MunkMD, Dr. Munk will often use CGF after laser treatment to enhance the results with laser surgery and add to the improvement in skin texture. The theory is simple. The fractionated laser will create tiny little openings in the skin in order to stimulate collagen, and the CGF will subsequently be rubbed on the skin, penetrate the openings, and reach the target endpoint which is the collagen in the dermis. This process will enhance the laser’s efficacy in improving and tightening the skin, while also speeding recovery from the laser. This process is often very helpful to improve acne scarring, wrinkles, skin laxity, and fine lines. Finally, the other way CGF can be administered is after microneedling, where multiple small openings are created in the skin, similar to laser, and the CGF in then applied directly on the skin.

When it comes to alopecia, CGF is often injected directly in the scalp in the areas of thinning. The growth factors create a favorable environment to slow the process, and even stimulate some regrowth of new hairs. Many new studies have shown promise using CGF for multiple different types of alopecia.

To obtain the desired endpoint, usually 3-4 treatments done monthly are required. The results are then usually appreciated a few months later as new collagen is formed. As this technique is natural and uses a person’s own blood, side effects and risks to the treatment are rare.

Cellular Growth Factor

Warning: These photos are for reference only and to provide information on the treatment. Results may vary from patient to patient

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